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Your Body And Cosmic Cultures

Benefits of Cosmic Cultures

Our Daily Rituals Cosmic Cultures
Matcha Health Benefits
Potent source of antioxidants, including high levels of the catechin EGCG which have been shown to inhibit cancer cells, regulate insulin sensitivity, promote oral health, powerful immune support and anti-inflammatory effects.
EGCG benefits oral health by reducing the bacteria responsible for plaque and cavities, in turn combating bad breath.
Cognitive function is another exciting benefit of EGCG. A direct link between ECGC and a decrease of Amyloid Beta production has been shown in scientific research reducing neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Amino Acids
Potent source of antioxidants, including high levels of the catechin EGCG which have been shown to inhibit cancer cells, regulate insulin sensitivity, promote oral health, powerful immune support and anti-inflammatory effects.
Matcha is also a rich source of the amino acids: L-threonine, L-Valine, L-Isoleucine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Leucine, L-Arginine and contain BCAAs which play an important role in muscle recovery.
Incredible source of chlorophyll, this is another important key of high grade matcha, lower grade (latte, culinary, etc) will not have the high levels of chlorophyll that you find in our teas.
Chlorophyll enhances oxidative stress tolerance, promotes the bodies natural detoxification process and is a pre-biotic, feeding and increasing the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
High grade matcha has thermogenic properties. The Combination of unique antioxidants and caffeine have a synergetic effect which can help break down body fat by increasing the amount of energy the body uses.
Matcha is an adaptogen. Matcha helps the body regulate a myriad of functions ranging from blood sugar, hormones, stress and cognitive function supporting homeostasis.
Matcha has consistently shown high potential for relieving depression and anxiety. Multiple studies point out the positive effects of matcha on the dopaminergic system of the brain.
The high levels of of L-Theanine and L-Arginine work synergistically to reduce stress
Matcha is grounding. The simple process of preparing matcha, taking a few minutes to yourself to nourish and support your day has an incredible effect on serotonin levels and stress reduction. Humans are deeply rooted to ritualistic practices.
Matcha is nutrient dense! Providing a rich source of vitamins and minerals, supporting hydration, beauty, cognition and the immune system. Some of the most notable include, vitamin C, quercetin, selenium, zinc, magnesium, chromium, potassium and more!